• Cervixmap standard package

Cervixmap standard package

General Description

Patient administration (includes scanning/storage of medical documents)


API communication 
By API communication we mean the video system provided and applicable to each type of colposcope. By communication API we mean the software interface for communication/transmission of data from the video-colposcope or colposcope with photo-capture system to the image storage system. The communication API will be used to receive digital images from the colposcope connected to a local PC or tablet.

Data security will be ensured by the following methods:
- Physical protection measures - Staff training
- Authentication (user/password)
- Authorisation - role assignment
- Audit of data access and modification
- Software measures - security patches
- anti-virus, anti-spyware, firewall software
Keeping data unaltered will be achieved by preventing unauthorised persons from accessing the computer system, by authenticating users and authorising them according to their authentication information.