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Dated: august 8, 2020
Dated: july 31, 2020
Dated: May 18th, 2020
The owner of EROND brand, Cattus SRL is organizing a competition for a grant of 5000EUR. The purpose of this grant is to study and make clinical research with the following title:
"Clinical and paraclinic research of micro vascular affections at hipertensive patients with or without diabetes. "
For further information about this project, please contact us: office@erond.ro
18.05.2020 Anuntare grant de cercetare
Dated: October 24th, 2018
Pentru informatii detaliate despre celelalte programe cofinantate de Uniunea Europeana, va invitam sa vizitati www.fonduri-ue.ro www.inforegio.ro facebook.com/inforegio.ro