Research and Development

Developing a dermato-microscope system with malignant and pre- malignant melanoma skin lesions recognition software

Project objectives:

- Grow the research and development as well as innovation capacity of the company

- Medical service development of through integration of a high-performance diagnostic system

- Development of tele-medicine

- Networking within the cluster by fostering and promoting the results of the researches as well as the product in order to develop similar products for the medical industry in cooperation with the other members

Project activity:

- Clinical research phase in dermatological field followed by the development of the soft and hardware which are necessary for the diagnostics. By this activity specific objects of the National Research and Development Strategy are met – sustaining intelligent specialties and providing the critical mass of researchers by 2020.

Project duration: - 03.08.2017 - 02.08.2020

Further details: